Are your intimate relationships the bane of your existence? Do you constantly find yourself questioning your self-worth based on your negative past experiences? Do you fall into the trap of needing to accomplish more to feel validated? Do you struggle to receive compliments and yet, at the same, often yearn to be loved, seen and appreciated? Are you constantly comparing your life to that of others, or wishing yours was any other way than the way it is? If so, you’re definitely not alone.
If you are ready to get over these persistent, sometimes agonizing problems so you can gain a new perspective and make real, positive changes in your life, this programme can help you do it.
Dr Ambika Sampat is one of the most sought-after relationship coaches and programme leaders. She has expertise in designing and delivering life-changing, interactive experiences that inspire transformation through challenging the status quo, healing inner wounds, and developing and enhancing personal and professional growth.
Are your intimate relationships the bane of your existence? Do you constantly find yourself questioning your self-worth based on your negative past experiences? Do you fall into the trap of needing to accomplish more to feel validated? Do you struggle to receive compliments and yet, at the same, often yearn to be loved, seen and appreciated? Are you constantly comparing your life to that of others, or wishing yours was any other way than the way it is? If so, you’re definitely not alone.
If you are ready to get over these persistent, sometimes agonizing problems so you can gain a new perspective and make real, positive changes in your life, this programme can help you do it.
Dr Ambika Sampat is one of the most sought-after relationship coaches and programme leaders. She has expertise in designing and delivering life-changing, interactive experiences that inspire transformation through challenging the status quo, healing inner wounds, and developing and enhancing personal and professional growth.
In this course, Dr Ambika Sampat takes you on a relatable, actionable, and proven journey of unbecoming, discovering and unleashing your most powerful authentic Self. She teaches skills based on ancient Vedic teachings, behavioural science, developmental coaching, and real-life experience. Ambika shows you how your most important relationship is the one you have with your own self and the surprising impact on all areas of your life when you transform this primary relationship. She debunks myths about relationships and shows you how to kill toxic patterns in relationships.
Through weekly webinars and building blocks, you get to tangibly alter your reality and relationships by taking action.
Through the transformation of your fundamental relationship, you are then given tools to bring harmony and love to your intimate relationships, and along the process discover your purpose – who you are born to be and where you are called upon to serve.
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